Gift Card Purchase Request Form
This form is used to purchase non-cash valuables such as gift cards, bus passes, diaper vouchers, etc. Note that all non-cash valuables that are not immediately distributed must be kept in a locked location.
The following are required for all non-cash valuables
- Inventory – an inventory must be kept of all non-cash valuables that is updated with each disbursement
- Disbursement Log – a disbursement log is required to record the disbursement of all non-cash valuables purchased. The log must contain the name and signature of the employee disbursing the item, the recipient’s name as well as the description and worth of the item.
- Reconciliations – the program must be able to reconcile all non-cash valuables purchased/disbursed.
- Receipts – all purchases require detailed receipts of what was purchased, when the purchase was made and the cost of the purchase.
- All receipts must be turned into the individual responsible for the purchase and tracking of items.
- All receipts and updated disbursement logs must be retained for audit purposes.
- Program staff should monitor quantities remaining and know when to procure more items.
- The Fiscal Department will conduct periodic audits to ensure programs have fully complied with the non-cash valuable requirements.