Travel/Training/Registration Request

This form is to be used for travel, training or registration purposes.

If your requested training or conference requires overnight stay, please complete and upload this form: TRAVEL POLICY AND FORMS – All Documents

Fiscal - Training/Registration Requests
Travel/Training/Registration Type

Requestor/Attendee Information

Fiscal Information

Please enter your Grant Number OR General Fund DAX String below (Click here for the DAX Conversion Listing)

Order will not be processed without correct fiscal information.

i.e. 2250, 2251, etc
i.e. CW001, HE002, etc
i.e. 500XXX
i.e. HE09, HE27, etc

Travel/Training/Registration Information

Maximum file size: 5MB

Are you Preregistered? (*Please do so if allowed*)
Will the vendor accept a Purchase Order?
Is credit card the only payment option?

Training Requiring Overnight Travel

Maximum file size: 5MB

(All documentation REQUIRED - Airfare estimates, registration, conference agenda, lodging, & misc costs)

Attachment Checklist (see TRAVEL EXAMPLE WITH INSTRUCTIONS.PDF for example):

  1. BRTE forms for all attendees
  2. Airfare price comparison (must be refundable, lowest reasonable price)
    • If driving personal car, Google maps of distance from home to destination
    • If driving rental car, rental cost including all fees and taxes
  3. Registration cost including fees and taxes
  4. Written proof of meals provided with registration and lodging
  5. GSA per diem table for travel location
  6. Hotel cost including taxes and fees. Use lowest discounted rated.


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